Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
The reason for this is simple: FPS games happen within a 3-dimensional environment. With a torturous console-controller, you can moderately control things horizontally, and moderately control them vertically, but to control them diagonally becomes an untenable affair. It can be done, but so can sticking your head up a cow's asshole.
The solution is simple: we need to create a new, PC-FPS game which proves just how full of shit console FPS's are. The game must highlight the 3-dimensional aspect of FPS gaming: That you can quickly and accurately operate in all 3-dimensions to a capacity that is functionally impossible with a console controller. I didn't preface 'console controller' with an obscenity, because the term itself is obscene enough. I imagine that many women would enjoy sticking one or more of them up their vagina's, and testing out the rumble feature. But, this is not about how console controllers are more effective as sex-toys than game-controllers, this is about making a new FPS, which can capture the enormous FPS community, while also restoring FPS gaming to its proper place in esports.
We don't need QL, or id software. The truth is, id software does not care about esports or pro-gaming. By disabling any form of modding, and by failing to support pro-gaming themselves, they have effectively killed any means of QL being a functional esport. In their detached minds, we still play Quake because it's just such a great game. It has nothing to do with its esports capacity. This leaves us with little choice but to take matters into our own hands.
By focusing on the aspects of PC-FPS gaming that render console-controller FPS gaming inoperable and inexcusable, we can prove to all the dumb, little kids - who honestly don't know any better - that they should be playing FPS's with proper equipment. We can also prove to the leagues and tournaments that until consoles permit the usage of mice and keyboards, their FPS-games should be disqualified from professional competition. I don't even understand the point. They allow fighting game players to use special joysticks. Why not FPS players? Is it because they pity the inherently ghetto nature of all fighting game participants? Jokes aside, a proper FPS should work to bring out the most in the gametype and in the players. A console controller cannot accomplish that, and a game designed to be played with a console controller will likewise be designed for handicapped play and handicapped players. Console FPS's and all compatible FPS's are the special Olympics of FPS gaming. We can and should prove that.
Edited by G.I. Jonesy at 08:59 CDT, 1 June 2013 - 3746 Hits