Hey guys
Background I have played Quake Live in total for about months(with consistency) it's awesome. My problem is I feel like I've hit a wall in my development in regards to duel. I've followed guides, watched tons of videos, finally learned to strafe properly and started timing items but I constantly keep getting destroyed in duels, no matter what. I know you guys all play ql a lot and I follow the Sunday Cups and all. So, it would be awesome if some of you could impart some advice to me. Thanks guys.
I watched DDK's duel theory vid and gained some understanding in how you can quantify some things and how you can generally aim to think about the game. [EDIT]
Background I have played Quake Live in total for about months(with consistency) it's awesome. My problem is I feel like I've hit a wall in my development in regards to duel. I've followed guides, watched tons of videos, finally learned to strafe properly and started timing items but I constantly keep getting destroyed in duels, no matter what. I know you guys all play ql a lot and I follow the Sunday Cups and all. So, it would be awesome if some of you could impart some advice to me. Thanks guys.
I watched DDK's duel theory vid and gained some understanding in how you can quantify some things and how you can generally aim to think about the game. [EDIT]
8150 Hits
have you watched your own demos? Maybe you can find out yourself where things got wrong.
I don't know how good you are but we could pracc some time.