Event: QLPP

Brand new to QUAKE LIVE is the Race gametype, which puts a non-combat spin on Quake. Players race against the clock and each other to earn the fastest time. Race takes place on both deathmatch and CTF arenas, challenging players to race from checkpoint to checkpoint taking the most efficient route. Players spawn using PQL physics, which allows for enhanced air control, and a wider variety of movement, topped with higher speed potential. A Rocket Launcher and Plasma Gun are also made available to navigate the tricky bends and turns. Matches end when the timelimit is reached, and the player with the shortest run is declared the winner.
In addition, we are running Standard Race matches, available to both free and paid QUAKE LIVE players. These matches will be running all 43 arenas currently supported by the Race mode, and can be voted to at will. Standard players joining these matches will be able to try the mode and practice running through the courses, however they will not be able to record times or complete matches. This will not count against the Standard player's stats, and being invited to a Pro Race match will work as usual. We hope players enjoy Race, and can't wait to see the videos and tricks everyone discovers!
Created by Terminatria author Russell "bst" Vint, Delirium is a Duel arena set in a futuristic facility. The arena consists of three levels, connecting through large, curvacious hallways. Delirium is larger than the typical Duel arena, benefiting players that can navigate through rooms quickly, and cutting off your opponent to prevent them from grabbing Yellow and Red Armors. Best suited for 2 to 6 players, Delirium is also playable in small Clan Arena and FFA matches.
Fuse, created by Ferdinand "cityy" List is a Duel arena new to QUAKE LIVE. A mixture of outdoor and indoor areas, the action in Fuse takes place primarily in three different rooms, connected on multiple levels. Duelers will find themselves attempting to control a Yellow Armor, Red Armor, and Mega Health. Fuse features a lot of thin ledges, useful for trickjumping or ambushing opponents below. Fuse also plays great in FFA, 2v2 TDM, and Clan Arena modes for matches between 2 and 6 players.
Golgotha Core:
Golgotha Core is a large Free For All arena, featuring a health and armor generator for players looking for a quick boost. Large rooms built with long lines of sight favors those who love the Railgun. A power-up heavy arena, you'll want to control either the cycling Haste/Invisibility, and Quad Damage, both located in the bottom of the space. Made for 4 to 12 players, Golgotha Core is also playable in Clan Arena, Freeze Tag, Domination, and Red Rover modes.
Pillbox is a brand new Capture the Flag arena with fast captures and fast action. Defenders have a couple of tricks at their disposal, including a pressure plate to activate a crusher to stop camping enemies, and a bridge that drops into the lava that also houses a Mega Health. Attackers can take the rear route into the base, and pop a few grenades down a hatch that routes to the flag. A power-up in the midfield ensures the defense can't play too far back. Designed for 4v4 play, Pillbox can be played with 2-5 players per team, and also supports One Flag, Harvester, Domination, and Attack & Defend.
The new Invite Monitor, accessible from above the friends-list while connected to a match, is a more transparent way to handle invites to Premium and Pro matches. Players can see at a glance which invites are currently active for the match, and are given the ability to revoke invites. Match owners will be able to see who invited everybody, and revoke others' invites at their own discretion. Standard guests are also shown, allowing players to see who is currently on through an invite. Finally, a manual invite button at the bottom allows players to invite other players by name.
In addition to the new Invite Monitor, we have changed the invite system so that revoking an invite to a Standard player on a Premium match will cause them to be removed from the match after the end of the current match. The length invitations are active has been lengthened from 15 minutes to three hours, after which you will have to re-invite players.
Team Overhead Icons Updates - The friendly triangles now change from yellow to orange when a teammate takes damage, and from orange to red when a teammate dies. You may control how long the red triangle marker remains at the place of their death with cg_drawDeadFriendTime (0-5000 ms)
New CA Round Won messages note how many players were on the winning team, or if only one player was left standing, notes how much health they had remaining.
Round Draw Tie Breaker options for CA: Draws by Health, Draws by Living options in Start a Match under Gametype Settings.
Fixed the pause or timeout admin commands in round-based gametypes when used during round countdowns.
Spawn Code Changes to reduce telefrags on match starts, resolving issues on maps with too few spawn points.
Added CA and FT support to our CTF arenas. While these arenas will not appear in public match arena pools, they are now optional via Start a Match.
Userinfo flood protection is now enabled again.
Added align support to CG_PLAYER_SCORE, CG_1STPLACE, and CG_2NDPLACE HUD elements, and fixed their alignment behavior within our HUD files. Adjustments may need to be made to custom HUDs utilizing these ownerdraw elements, see our three official huds for examples.
Added two new HUD elements added for RACE, CG_RACE_STATUS and CG_RACE_TIMES, see our three official huds for examples.
Updated all gametype icons (in-game and web), added in-game race icon. Minor tweaks to others. TDM goes back to the classic QL TDM icon.
- Updated spawns: 12 spawns, 6 initial.
- Fixed a missing clip allowing players to hide at the 50 HP bubble staircase.
- Fixed a clipping issue in the low hallway between MH and RA.
- Replaced the lightning ammo box above RA with shells.
- Clipped hiding spot above the GA near PG.
Lost World
- Fixed exploitative clip above LG.
- Fixed reversed 1x1 ad.
- Fixed HOM at the Great Hall circle window sill.
- Added two ad spots.
- Removed low RA spawn.
- New one-way teleporter.
- Removed 60sec RG spawn + Gong.
- Swapped MH - RG.
- Added Pillar @ RA.
- Replaced GA with another YA (different location).
Links: Official Announcement
Edited by wn at 13:36 CDT, 16 July 2013 - 42249 Hits