Firefall features both a large, open-world cooperative campaign that can be shared with hundreds of other players as well as a competitive multiplayer component that will incorporate features such as ladders, tournaments, clans and leagues.
According to Mark Kern, CEO of Red 5 and former Team Lead at

Brief description of gameplay and game mechanics can be seen in the official ‘Introduction’ tutorials.
Great news for esport enthusiasts! Red 5 specially designed a new gametype called JetBall, the official competitive mode for Firefall.
The gametype consists in two teams facing each other in round based matches with the goal of scoring points in special designed arenas with the gameplay of something between 1 Flag CTF and soccer :).
If you like to see more about JetBall watch the official unveil of the mode and an exhibition game here.
Firefall is free to play and you can download the game client here.
Source: Firefallthegame.com,


Links: Firefallthegame,

Edited by groparoo at 03:27 CDT, 18 July 2013 - 6410 Hits