Hi ladies and gentlemen! I interrupt the current FACE IT sunday news release program to bring you news of a mid-skill CPM cup that forbids higher skilled players to enter, casted exclusively in Russian.
Quake 3 CPMA DM 1x1
Tournament System:
Double Elimination, Best of 3 (throughout the tournament)
Time of Start
07:00 CST.
Registration: open to everybody and is not restricted by ping or nation of residence. You can also message []34[] in #resp.quake
Holding Organisation:
Tournament-centric Banlist:
Because this is a mid-skill tournament, more experienced players are disencouraged from entering. Current list of players who are way2good: dez, kj, cаinе, ethad, hoyden, kreed, Lunokhod-2, moonsh1ne, pikoh, sl1m, ssh-l, Vbart, zubich, root, toby1 aka xanooch, zoid aka dozi aka void. This is a Russian-community based list that could be increased so hal9000 and ahxnxa might consider using fakenicks prior to registration. Which ends in 17 minutes so good luck with that shit.
Yep, I will stream this in Russian so the cup organiser shall join me to guide the flow of the commentary and take over if I struggle with the terminology or the narrative. So yea, check it out, because who wouldn't want to watch a stream in a language they don't understand instead of a professionally produced in-house studio show with charismatic commentators and incredibely brofessional sign-ups.
Links: List of Sign Ups,
Edited by twister_ at 08:45 CDT, 27 July 2013 - 11662 Hits