Yeayea, I don't even have any apple device myself except for an old ipod touch 2G.
However, this is really cool because I got a shitload of cumputing power which I can put into my backpack and bring to the office/university pc pool/family/friends/LAN.
yeah awesome functionality with 30 wires sticking out of a 2 tons loud air venting box.
i prefer design that has only one cable and is dead silent. yes it's worth extra $1000.
Better wait for tests, how well this cooling works, and how quiet it actually is. By the type of fan, size of radiator, amount of room for air flow, this thing in my opinion will not run cool and quiet at all. But for apple it is all about "innovative" design, so more people will buy it, because it looks nicer in preview.
I am a fan of the old Mac Pro, seeing the first news release was kinda "wtf".
The stats are impressive and the size is incredible, but the lack of expandability is just crazy. To be fair it does look like you will still be able to upgrade ram/graphics and CPU, but it will all have to be custom parts, and all extra HDD's need to be attached externally? What are they crazy?
they expect you to expand it with thunderbold stuff and there're pcie<->thunderbolt adapters and thunderbolt output is more than fine for storage devices so actually it's not that bad imho