Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
Id has displayed an absolute lack of ability or concern with the overwhelmingly white-trash, redneck nature of their Quakecon/other audiences. In their current and proven state, it would be impossible for me or any responsible individual, to recommend them or their products to investors. If I were to do so, the investors would grow cautious over heeding my counsel on future investments.
Fortunately, there is still one solution available: a merger. There are a number of existing FPS companies who are interested in esports, and who do not have the white-trash epidemic. They also have considerably more money than id does or, going the way they are, ever will. That means, in addition to buying id software and merging its components with their own existing infrastructure, they could also afford to put more than two people on the QL project, and additionally, could invest in professional tournaments. The result would be an elimination of every problem plaguing this community.
Aside from buying and owning the Quake brand, what the potential company (such as Valve or the CoD corporation), would be gaining, is primarily this community. The value of all our players, casters, modders, and everyone else with years, if not longer, of experience and dedication in esports and pro-gaming is far greater than the Quake brand itself. Provided the new company maintains the basic integrity of Quake gameplay, it should have no problem gaining community support.
The combination of this community, the Quake brand, and the new company, is fully capable of achieving success. With a new company at the helm, investors would regain confidence, thus giving Quake a new chance.
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