Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 17 August 2013 to 12:00 CDT, 17 August 2013
Schedule: Passed

Here comes the first edition of the warsow Warsow Sparta Duel Cup dedicated to the Japan Japanese community! This Warsow duel cup organized by Belgium Puffdar will be held on Saturday, 14:00 CEST, 17 August 2013 with a cash prize of 10,000 yens as Amazon gift coupons for the winner and a pair of alienwareXj!ns gaming glasses for the 2nd. Signups are open on the Cup page.

Streaming: Falcky and his fidel assistant Puffdar @twitch
WSW TV: eventually
Links: Sign Up, SpartaCup page,, mIRC #warsow