Edited by butcher_kgp at 19:44 CDT, 9 August 2013 - 118201 Hits
- I was the only girl in the fragmovie :DD
"Karim Allstar - - - - Fragi! (I said - frags)
Sobota ob 23:50 · Všeč mi je
Now your answer to post from ESR
Rebel Angel ja Karim Allstar sem videla kako si skritiziral tale video na esr-ju, a trud in čas, ki ga je ba1k porabil zanj nič ne pomenita? Kar pozabi na tokense."
(Karim I saw how did you criticize on that video @ ESR. The time and effort which baik spent means nothing to you?? Just forget about tokens.)
Karim I saw how did you criticize on that video @ ESR. The time and effort which baik spent means nothing to you?? Just forget about tokens.