There's less than two weeks until signups deadline and so I would like to ask signed up teams to start paying the fee. Also I've noticed that there are many players who don't have a team, who I encourage to form a team by themselves and attend.

Many players asked me if they are allowed to come and just spectate the games and talk to other players and what would be the entry fee for them. All non-players will be allowed to enter the cafe without any fee, but I would still be happy if they donated some money to our paypal account ( to cover the prizes and the rent.

Some people asked if we are getting QL LAN servers. The answer is yes, we are working on those, so let's hope that everything goes smooth and you all will be able to enjoy LAN ping.

Info about accomodation and transport is mentioned in the previous post.

If there is anyone interested in any kind of help or sponsoring, please let me know. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments or #lan-prague @ Quakenet.

Links: esr Previous post, District cafe, YouTube Debtorr's invitation, mIRC #lan-prague, QuakeHistory page