Event: 125 FPS
Gametype: DuelMap: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: cypher
How to play back QL demos
>> 95488-cyphercoolcup.zip <<
(15356KB, 2226 DLs)
(15356KB, 2226 DLs)
125 FPS Cool Maps Cup, Cypher demos
ESR news link about cup http://www.esreality.com/post/2469393/125-fps-cool-maps-cup/
125 FPS Cool Maps VODs
from United Kingdom sulit http://www.twitch.tv/duelcrafttv/b/450704055
from Russia ash http://www.twitch.tv/102ash/b/450796021 and http://www.twitch.tv/102ash/b/450707417
from Russia 4cejkee http://www.twitch.tv/4cejkee/b/450780123
Edited by Nico_QD at 17:50 CDT, 24 August 2013 - 14111 Hits