Name: mouse*
Posts: 3716
Posts: 3716
The way I see it quake is experiences the golden 20`s. We probably haven`t had that much action since 2008. There are new fragmovies ever week, the CPM crowd seems to cup a lot (that`s right I used cup as a verb), IEM and Zotac got replaced without difficulty by, I argue, better substitudes such as Facey and 125fps, CB sign ups are running, zoto ins and DDK rising in quality and fellowship, Quakecon delievers a non-spinning-logo performance next to flawless, Zamuz is practising for the sweden`s got swag cup (according to Minimia), there is a sweden`s got swag cup ( name by mouse* (c) ), aeol and fraze going to DHW presenting the aussi fraction first time after dandaking 2010, staying with the interconnectivity of the quake world for a second: numerous people packing their mouse and matpakke for Czech Republic - the meeting point between the European and Russian fraction which I dare to pronounce the backbone of our movement; it is glorious times in deed.
The only bitter pill these days: DHS probably dropped quake forever but let`s be honest quake was carried by pity and sympathy anyway for years now. I don`t want to get as frisky as to argue not anymore but the tendency is there. So what happened? Or to do justice to my amazement: What the fuck is going on folks?
Was it a good deal of cash brought in by Facey? Did the newly caught attention convince viewers or even generate new fans who end up donating for noble projects naming 125fps?
Zotac was struggling to get over 500 viewers now zoto has 800 on a daily basis. Is it the result of finally seeing new maps being played in tournaments on a regular basis?
Was showing CA the cleverest trick id ever pulled? And is it enforced by the mass of shootmania players who find their skill usefull for quake and therefore are picked up by us?
I had to pull that joke, ignore this paragraph.
But I can not celebrate the renaissance without taking a critical glimpse into the threatening dusk down yonder. In the beginning I used the term golden 20`s and I will elabrate on this in a second.
I hope very much I am mistaking but I don`t buy the (possibly) deceiving feeling that we are experiencing a permanent rise and consolidation of our scene, it almost feels like a mini version of the healthy q3 era around 2001. Surely we are more dedicated now though. Are we on a hype at the moment? Is it just a little bubble on it`s way to the sky or a short-lived flower blooming by? Or are we at a milestone from where henceforth we will continue to strenxen the t1es?
Let`s imbibe the epicness of this moment and grasp every opportunity to watch donate and lan (that`s right I used lan as a verb), just like the people of the second decade in the last century, let`s pick up the spirit of the time and enjoy, winter is coming, or it is not.
Peace out my fellas, you are allowed to continue now. proceed.
Edited by mouse* at 02:31 CDT, 1 September 2013 - 5111 Hits