Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
In practices, you play to learn.
In matches, you play to win.
When in practice, if you to play win, then you fail to learn anything, and you accomplish nothing towards any real goal, and if other people are there, you are not only wasting your own time, you are wasting theirs as well. As such, the more distinctions drawn between practices and matches, the better. That includes not wearing your official uniform/alias during practice, and not keeping statistics on practices.
It is unclear why the QL system was so tragically designed to erase the line between practices and matches, but it is something that can be fixed. People playing for elo or skill rating, outside of matches, is about as useful as a second asshole.
4074 Hits
basiclly, as long as you're not top32 player, you should always play to win. this will teach you when to be aggressive and when to be not so aggressive [cooller quote, i expect pluses. shitload of them]
trying to keep your frag advantage will teach you how to play defensive etc etc.
if you got these elements in your game, you can start praccing praccing. playing out of control for whole game, being a rail whore, making traps etc etc.
just remember to leave your ego in the closet