After disappearing from the radars of quake scene for a solid decade, Roman "Polosat1y" Tarasenko comes back with the VOD of him playing losers final on CPL Cologne against Oskar "LakermaN" Ljungström. Analyzing a bit, but more about remembering good ol times. Polos gonna post some more demos, from time to time, his own and somebody's else. The next one is going to be... BarrysWorld 4v4 EuroCup. Devil's POV.
Fuck. Do you remember this sick game? And devils unholy shotgun?
And yes, he's commentating russian only for now, but its been asked already to provide an english subs, and Polosat1y's going to.
Polosat1y streaming TDM now with 102 guys.
Edited by iavoal at 13:38 CDT, 24 October 2013 - 41330 Hits
Cant wait for more and with English subs!