This is what I get when I convince people to try out QL after seeing some epic frag movie with cool gibs on, motion blur, HD textures, rocket and shaft eyecandy, and so on.
I remember when I started back in 1999 as a total newbie, it was great, endless hours of fun playing with 16 people in a huge blood mess, with full blown graphics. Now, QL feels so sterile, all this newbie fun factor is lost because there is no gore. Most people i've shown the game become bored, this coupled with the ridiculous non-pro limitations (QL needs a "insert famous MOBA game" type business model, but I wouldn't go on about this now).
I explained them how to use CPMA and they are creating custom games now in any map they want, loading a lot of bots and having a blast just like I did back in the day.
In other words, add in gore back, add in all the eye candy, give the game a facelift (probably port it to idTech 5 without compromising movement and feel -Q4 failed there, remember how blocky and shitty the game felt-, add in ragdolls physics for the corpses as well -I had kids laughin at the fact the model died on the ledge of grenade launcher platform in ztn, we can't have this happening in 2013-, boost polycount on maps and models -with the posibility to undo all of this for the nostalgic and people that do not care about graphics- and stop asking people to pay for 14 year old content -most of them being released by the comunity for the community for free ages ago to boot-. You should be able to slowly unlock it, and paying should be, in any case, optional. Some useless awards that have no-ingame impact isn't incentive to keep people playing when they are this limited unless they pay.
Add in other heavily demanded features such as proper RA3 mode implementation, and the awesomely cool Tournament mode from Q4 (one of the few cool new things in Q4) that would make you feel the excitement of playing a small duel tournament anytime, again, more incentive for duelers.
As someone mentioned before, id has the potential to do something great with Quake (what game can claim decades of history?), but of course, at this pace someone else will claim this spot in the future with some dumbed down version of the original, doing everything else right (good business model that allows custom games for free, matchmaking, ladders, proper advertisement..) and take the title of the oficial competitive 1v1 game when the MOBA craze fades out.
I remember when I started back in 1999 as a total newbie, it was great, endless hours of fun playing with 16 people in a huge blood mess, with full blown graphics. Now, QL feels so sterile, all this newbie fun factor is lost because there is no gore. Most people i've shown the game become bored, this coupled with the ridiculous non-pro limitations (QL needs a "insert famous MOBA game" type business model, but I wouldn't go on about this now).
I explained them how to use CPMA and they are creating custom games now in any map they want, loading a lot of bots and having a blast just like I did back in the day.
In other words, add in gore back, add in all the eye candy, give the game a facelift (probably port it to idTech 5 without compromising movement and feel -Q4 failed there, remember how blocky and shitty the game felt-, add in ragdolls physics for the corpses as well -I had kids laughin at the fact the model died on the ledge of grenade launcher platform in ztn, we can't have this happening in 2013-, boost polycount on maps and models -with the posibility to undo all of this for the nostalgic and people that do not care about graphics- and stop asking people to pay for 14 year old content -most of them being released by the comunity for the community for free ages ago to boot-. You should be able to slowly unlock it, and paying should be, in any case, optional. Some useless awards that have no-ingame impact isn't incentive to keep people playing when they are this limited unless they pay.
Add in other heavily demanded features such as proper RA3 mode implementation, and the awesomely cool Tournament mode from Q4 (one of the few cool new things in Q4) that would make you feel the excitement of playing a small duel tournament anytime, again, more incentive for duelers.
As someone mentioned before, id has the potential to do something great with Quake (what game can claim decades of history?), but of course, at this pace someone else will claim this spot in the future with some dumbed down version of the original, doing everything else right (good business model that allows custom games for free, matchmaking, ladders, proper advertisement..) and take the title of the oficial competitive 1v1 game when the MOBA craze fades out.
Edited by nemecel at 15:01 CDT, 31 October 2013 - 5755 Hits