Since the CTF community isn't as open for new things as we hoped, even if it is only for one single day, we almost instantly had to cancel the event today.
Our intention however is still to grow the community and bring variety to CTF and also attract new people to CTF with those events.
The idea behind the event today was initially to have only QL maps in the pool. Since this includes Ironworks we decided to let the bot pick the map to avoid an Ironworks-only day.
Obviously people didn't really get that and therefore the whole thing failed. We may however come up with other settings or ideas which people like more.
Almost two weeks ago we had changed our settings back to 5on5 CTF for the whole Sunday.
That was just the first test to figure out how people react and how much they like it.
It turned out that those kind of days are appreciated because it brings a bit varity to CTF and pickup at all.
However, since the Sunday is not the best day to host those events, we now decided to have such an event each thursday whenever possible. That means that the whole Thursday will be played with different settings, map pools or rules. If you've got any fancy ideas for such an event please let us know.
This thursday we will have a map pool with only original QuakeLive maps included and maps being picked by the bot.
* IronWorks
* Pillbox
* Siberia
* Fluorescent
* Stonekeep
* Infinity
We hope you enjoy those days and we're looking forward to some exciting games.
Note: If you've got problems with the brightness on Fluorescent set r_mapOverBrightBits 0 or 1. We already filed a bug report for this and cityy told us that he is looking into that issue.