Posted by Makie @ 19:09 CST, 4 November 2013 - iMsg
okay few years back i played on 640x480 and my mouse dpi was 450 my question is can i calculate somehow what dpi would be good to use SAME sens @ 1680x1050
what a ridiculously cool tool!
i always hate changing dpi and then having the hassle with finding a new good sens. is there something for that as well?
seriously?? wtf. so i set this now and my sens is the same. and if i get a new mouse with 450 dpi, i just change m_cpi and then what? I think i don't get this yet. you mind elaborating
what i understood: if I have m_cpi in any value > 0, quake interprets the other parameters (sens, accel,..) as standardized and automatically multiplies some factor corresponding to your m_cpi value?
The screen resolution is irrelevant as long as you use the same fov. (IIRC, QL adjusts your fov automatically if you're using a different aspect ratio.) The only thing you need to worry about is if you can move your cursor by just a pixel with your current sens/dpi/screen width, or if you have to use a higher dpi step. And the calculator can help you with that.
Edit: You may have to set r_aspectRatio. Values allowed are: 0=4:3, 1=16:9, 2=16:10, 3=5:4.
One of the biggest exercises in futility. Why? The best sensitivity is simply what you're most comfortable with. Your new value can be approximate and you will adjust. In FPS games it's generally advantageous to keep your crosshair on the enemy. Therefore what matters most is your visual acuity, reaction time, input latency, refresh rate, color scheme and so forth. The emphasis on sensitivity is actually surprising to me. Maybe it's simply people attempting to figure out the talent of great players.
yea its cool that you learned some catchy 4chan-comeback lines, but it wont change that you are awful at duel and mediocre at tdm despite playing for 100 years already