We are excited to announce that QUAKE LIVE will be transitioning out of a web browser and into a standalone, downloadable game by the end of this year.
Over the past few years, browser support for plugins such as QUAKE LIVE have dropped off significantly, causing problems for plugins to operate in a consistent and working manner. With the recent announcement of
Google Chrome's roadmap to turning off plugin support and the
upcoming changes in Firefox, it seems that now is the time to make the transition.
Once we go live with this change, you will log in to the site as you normally would. From there you will be presented with a prompt to download the new QUAKE LIVE Launcher. The launcher will automatically keep your game up to date before loading. Once inside, you’ll will be greeted with the website, embedded directly into the game itself. From here, the interface will look and operate similarly to how it does today, but the game will already be running and ready to connect to a match.
This change will allow us to have greater control over the game environment, and more tightly integrate the game with the online components going forward. Some of these benefits will be apparent from day one: getting in and out of games is a smoother experience, and you will be able to view server pings from the match browser before joining the game to better judge connection quality.
To help answer some of your questions, we’ve provided an FAQ below.
Will I have to re-download the game?
For players who already have QUAKE LIVE installed, the transition will be quick. You will download and install a small launcher, and it will update your existing installation files.
When will this update be released?
While we don't have a specific date yet, we expect to release before the end of the year. More specific dates will be given as we get closer to release.
How can I be involved in testing?
We are taking applications to beta test the standalone client from current subscribers. Please see the thread in the Subscribers Only forum for more information, and to sign up.
What will happen to the website? (www.quakelive.com)
Certain functions will remain available on the website even after the update is released. Players will be able to manage certain account settings, view profiles, manage clans, and even launch Pro matches from any web browser. NOTE: Managing and chatting with friends, viewing the match browser, and joining games will require the game to be open.
Will I keep my player stats?
Yes, player stats will transition along with the standalone version of the game.
Will there be Mac/Linux support?
We will be unable to support Mac and Linux clients with this transition. While we have reports from our testers that the game works through emulation or virtualization software, we are unable to support native Mac and Linux versions. If you’re using Mac and Linux and have a paid subscription, you will only be able to access the game using emulation or virtualization software.
Source: quakelive.com