Event: DHW'13

In the auditorium of Rydbergssalen, just next to DreamArena Extreme we'll build DreamArena Campgrounds - a dedicated arena specifically for Quake Live with the capacity of 300 people. In the arena you will be able to view matches on stage with FACEIT providing professional production together with

All the highlighted group stage matches and important playoff matches will be broadcasted through Twitch.TV in 720p. The twitch channel can be found at twitch.tv/dreamhackql.
To view the games on site will be provided on a first come, first serve basis. Book your day pass or event pass through the booking site.
We're currently filling a few unfortunate drop outs from the tournament. Unfortunately

Links: DreamHack.se, Booking site, DreamHack Quake Live Twitch Channel
Edited by Demiurge at 16:41 CST, 13 November 2013 - 84705 Hits