he knows the kid his 8, and he plays just as good as any average player on any server, what is already amazing. and say things like this while he actualy won the match ...
ranted some public, but mostly in teamchat, dont wanna make such big fuzz about it, but he made the lil man cry cuz the kid has alredy problems thinking about death since he lost his 7 month old nephew 2 weeks ago
sure, but if someone tells your kid to go fuck his dead mother, there's nothing you can do to stop it until it's too late, and whether you stand up for him or not afterwards doesn't change anything, plus as I think you already pointed out, "standing up for him" is only going to make a big fuss about it anyway.
the only things you can do are try to add a filter (in this case, teamchats only, or even nochats, if there is such an option), or not expose him to the cancerous womb that is pub QL in the first place.
have you reported bl1nx?
Edited by quake is potat at 06:06 CST, 17 November 2013
why not? hes good at school, hes very smart and humble to others... and he mainly plays garrys mod with his friends. he likes to do what he do and i do encourage him playing perhaps, but i dont push him. its his choise, and my videos may looks like im encouraging him, but those are just small fragments of what rly is going on in his life :)
just /block him and always watch him playing (to prevent things like this), he's 8 years old after all.
Maybe if you really want him to play online just set up a private server and kickban whoever acts like a retard.
I think the main point is this was bound to happen (especially since hes playing CA) so you should have anticipated this and helped to prevent it. Remove all chat, disable console things like that.
I know it sounds ludicrous to have to do this but unfortunately there's alot of weird people about or the internet just makes people immature. Can't honestly think this would go on as much if at all in the real world.