Greetings, fellow ESR members.
I come to you seeking advice about getting a new mouse!
Previously, for the last ~4 years, I have been using a Logitech MX1100. I love this mouse and it has served me well for gaming as well as the digital art that I make. However, sadly, the left mouse button(the part that you click, not the button sensor underneath the button itself) has had the plastic wear down and it no longer engages the sensor underneath. It's quite heartbreaking to me, actually, as the MX1100 is SO comfortable for many hours of daily use.
I usually play at 800 dpi but sometimes switch it up to 1600 and just halve my sensitivity to compensate. Additionally, I do not use acceleration(unless there is some hidden quake setting that I do not know about. Which is possible, since I don't know all the commands, just yet). I do about 24 centimeters for 360.
Therefore, I am seeking something new and preferably under $50 American. Also, I have pretty big hands as I am a rather tall individual, so, I can't go too small! Also, if possible(but not a priority), I would like one with buttons on the left side of the mouse that allows me to page back and forward on web-pages while surfing. It's a handy feature to have because moving the mouse to the Back button on Chrome or hitting Backspace becomes tedious.
So far, I have looked at:
Logitech G300:
DeathAdder 3500:
I know a lot of you know these mice, already, but I am providing the links just in case others that are curious may come across this thread! :D
So, what would you suggest would be my best option out of my listed links or a different one that maybe I have not listed? I know 50 dollars is not much but, being physically disabled and unable to work, money is many times pretty tight.
Thanks for reading and/or helping me, I know it's a long post. I want to make sure that I can make my most informed decision! :D
I come to you seeking advice about getting a new mouse!
Previously, for the last ~4 years, I have been using a Logitech MX1100. I love this mouse and it has served me well for gaming as well as the digital art that I make. However, sadly, the left mouse button(the part that you click, not the button sensor underneath the button itself) has had the plastic wear down and it no longer engages the sensor underneath. It's quite heartbreaking to me, actually, as the MX1100 is SO comfortable for many hours of daily use.
I usually play at 800 dpi but sometimes switch it up to 1600 and just halve my sensitivity to compensate. Additionally, I do not use acceleration(unless there is some hidden quake setting that I do not know about. Which is possible, since I don't know all the commands, just yet). I do about 24 centimeters for 360.
Therefore, I am seeking something new and preferably under $50 American. Also, I have pretty big hands as I am a rather tall individual, so, I can't go too small! Also, if possible(but not a priority), I would like one with buttons on the left side of the mouse that allows me to page back and forward on web-pages while surfing. It's a handy feature to have because moving the mouse to the Back button on Chrome or hitting Backspace becomes tedious.
So far, I have looked at:
Logitech G300:
DeathAdder 3500:
I know a lot of you know these mice, already, but I am providing the links just in case others that are curious may come across this thread! :D
So, what would you suggest would be my best option out of my listed links or a different one that maybe I have not listed? I know 50 dollars is not much but, being physically disabled and unable to work, money is many times pretty tight.
Thanks for reading and/or helping me, I know it's a long post. I want to make sure that I can make my most informed decision! :D
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