sure, but playing on pickups with coms is somewhat first step in finding tdm friends to play with, then you can cut pickup part and try just find other 'teams' to play against, which is, unfortunately, kinda rare nowadays
Edited by zero thoughts/sec at 04:29 CST, 17 December 2013
Playing pickups is great for tdm newbies to learn the game. It's in no way a substitute for real tdm clan gaming, never was, never will be, nobody said that. So what's your point?
there's some pracs going still, almost every night and eurocup finished just last week and there's bound to be new leagues after the holidays. now the situation is pretty dire in general for clan tdm but its not exactly dead yet
17/12/13 00:21:49 <+[QLM]> [TDM] damien7 (tdm elo: 2063) of team eFix (eFix tdm elo: 1560) wants a 4v4 TDM match @ now, pm me on irc (sent by Damien7 @ QuakeNet IRC) ::
16/12/13 21:43:40 <muzyk> tdm 4v4 now pm
those are both from yesterday, maybe you just hang out in the wrong channels or dont pay enough attention