This thread will be used to vote for the distribution to be applied to the
The overall donations were $5000 USD. With the
3.9%+30cts paypal fee on each transactions, the actual money is:
$4'805.83 USD.
To simplify the discussion I think we can split the decision in two parts. First, the
big money, where the main prizes distribution are defined.
1st - $7520.15
2nd - $3760.08
3rd - $2256.26
4th - $1504.03
5th-8th - $750 (3000)
9th-16th - $200 (1600)
1st - $7520.15
2nd - $3760.08
3rd - $2256.26
4th - $1504.03
5th-8th - $500 (2000)
9th-16th - $200 (1600)
17th-32th - $50 (800)
1st - $7520.15
2nd - $3760.08
3rd - $2256.26
4th - $1504.03
5th-8th - $600 (2400)
9th-16th - $300 (2400)
Second, the
small money, i.e. what is left from the whole donation pot. Suggestions are:
- 100$ Best frag of the tournament
- 100$ Best comeback of the tournament
- 100$ Best unexpected performance of the tournament
- 200$ Best game of the tournament
- 100$ Best interview of the tournament (money for caster)
This applies if 17th to 32nd receive no money already. After the tournament is over, we take players from 17th to 32nd, take their map wins, and assign:
Distribution 1:
- 35 pts for a win against 1st
- 30 pts for a win against 2st
- 25 pts for a win against 3st
- 20 pts for a win against 4st
- 15 pts for a win against 5th-8th
- 10 pts for a win against 9th-16th
- 5 pts for a win against 17th-32th
Distribution 2:
- 32 pts for a win against 1st
- 31 pts for a win against 2st
- 30 pts for a win against 3st
- 29 pts for a win against 4st
- 26.5 pts for a win against 5th-16th
- 20.5 pts for a win against 9th-16th
- 8.5 pts for a win against 17th-32th
The small money is then distributed according to the points of a player vs the overall points of 17th-32th players. This way, players with no map wins won't get any money, and players who barely passed the group stage will get most of the cash.
How to vote?
Since there are various aspects to this, I separated it into a few polls:
Distribution Poll
Performance Award Poll
As a way to check we are not doing crazy stuff,
zakatti has created an interesting survey, participate here: