I'm in the process of ordering some cherry mx keycaps with the 8 basic weapons printed on top. You can see the images I've drawn in inkscape here http://imgur.com/NZjBiSp .
The issue is it isn't very cost effective for me to buy just a single set for myselfso if you want a set reply here with the keys you want and the key type. You can figure out which types you want here http://www.wasdkeyboards.com/resources/keycap-layout .
For example
Gauntlet R4 1x1
Lg R4 1x1
Sorry guys, I had only just come up with the idea so I hadn't figured out a plan of action just yet. I just wanted to know if there was any interest in the first place.
I am open to ideas as to how to go ahead but here is the current plan:
- I'm currently waiting for a quote for 20, 30, and 40 full sets of keys so I can give people an estimate on the cost before going through with it.
- Anyone interested should email me at jon.nute@gmail.com with their name, address and order. You can figure out which keycap types you want here . I'm not sure if the company can do different coloured keys just yet but include it in your order. If you don't specify I will assume black.
Please write your order in the following way:
ESR nick
Example order
Gauntlet R4 1x1 black
Lg R4 1x1 black
RL R2 LINE yellow
- In about a week from now I will ask for a quote and then pay up front.
- If they can break down the cost of each key individually then I will ask you guys for precisely the cost of the keys you want. If they won't/can't however, I will just divide the total cost by the total number of keys and then multiply that by the number of keys you ordered. The cost of each key should be approximately the same (unless you want one on a space bar or another irregular key).
- I will then ask everybody via email for payment through paypal. My email address on paypal is again jon.nute@gmail.com.
- Once the keys arrive, I will post all of the sets that have been paid for.
I'm not looking to make a profit so don't worry about me marking up.
Also, if you think any of the keys need tweaking then do mention.
EDIT: 26/12/2013
WASD keyboards can print single custom colour key caps cost effectively so I don't have to order a huge number any more.
If you want your own quake key caps download the .svg file I've attached to this post and email WASD Keyboards. They haven't changed the website yet to offer this option yet so you have to email them.
UPDATE: 02/01/14
The keys have arrived!
Unfortunately there seems to have been a bit of a miscommunication so the keys are coloured and the images are in black. I think it is just impossible to get them in full colour unless you buy a ton. They still look brilliant however, take a look at the pic. Please excuse the mucky keyboard haha.
The issue is it isn't very cost effective for me to buy just a single set for myself
For example
Gauntlet R4 1x1
Lg R4 1x1
Sorry guys, I had only just come up with the idea so I hadn't figured out a plan of action just yet. I just wanted to know if there was any interest in the first place.
I am open to ideas as to how to go ahead but here is the current plan:
- I'm currently waiting for a quote for 20, 30, and 40 full sets of keys so I can give people an estimate on the cost before going through with it.
- Anyone interested should email me at jon.nute@gmail.com with their name, address and order. You can figure out which keycap types you want here . I'm not sure if the company can do different coloured keys just yet but include it in your order. If you don't specify I will assume black.
Please write your order in the following way:
ESR nick
Example order
Gauntlet R4 1x1 black
Lg R4 1x1 black
RL R2 LINE yellow
- In about a week from now I will ask for a quote and then pay up front.
- If they can break down the cost of each key individually then I will ask you guys for precisely the cost of the keys you want. If they won't/can't however, I will just divide the total cost by the total number of keys and then multiply that by the number of keys you ordered. The cost of each key should be approximately the same (unless you want one on a space bar or another irregular key).
- I will then ask everybody via email for payment through paypal. My email address on paypal is again jon.nute@gmail.com.
- Once the keys arrive, I will post all of the sets that have been paid for.
I'm not looking to make a profit so don't worry about me marking up.
Also, if you think any of the keys need tweaking then do mention.
EDIT: 26/12/2013
WASD keyboards can print single custom colour key caps cost effectively so I don't have to order a huge number any more.
If you want your own quake key caps download the .svg file I've attached to this post and email WASD Keyboards. They haven't changed the website yet to offer this option yet so you have to email them.
UPDATE: 02/01/14
The keys have arrived!
Unfortunately there seems to have been a bit of a miscommunication so the keys are coloured and the images are in black. I think it is just impossible to get them in full colour unless you buy a ton. They still look brilliant however, take a look at the pic. Please excuse the mucky keyboard haha.
- Attached Misc File: 99068-quake_weapons.svg (26 Dec 2013, 35KB, 248 downloads)
Edited by nerVzzz at 07:33 CST, 2 January 2014 - 23445 Hits