Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
Esports just means video-games played in an organized, competitive fashion. If played for money, it can usually be called professional esports or professional gaming.
Esports has nothing to do with douchebag commentating or wearing sponsors on your clothing. Obviously, the New York Yankees do not wear sponsors on their uniforms, but you would all agree, that baseball is a sport? Take the same thing, apply it to video-games, and you have esports.
Any video-game played in the fashion of sports, is an esport. That means, you practice, you compete in official matches, leagues, ladders, tournaments, etc., and there may even be a team involved. Everything else associated with esports has to do with the specific organizations or communities responsible for the production.
2991 Hits
Sad part is there are still people out there that believe if its not on LAN played for money its not competitive. Try having this convo with sponge, its like talking to somebody from a different planet.
One day maybe id will finally realize this is a competitive game and should be catered towards dudes that like to play it competitively. They shouldn't be trying to get subscriptions thru weird game modes / map restrictions / other stupid shit their current strategy entails. They should get their subs thru competitive players / private servers / leagues etc. Could you imagine if id supported a ctf or tdm league leading up to qcon? You know like actually make it known months in advance their is a team tournament at qcon then advertise /support an online tourney or league leading into it?? I'm pretty sure theyd see a lot more sub purchases on the fallout of that than any fucking zombie mode they code for public morons that wont sub anyway.
The competitive players are the ones who will always be here too. Meh.
buuut its too late and they'll never understand anyway. ggs :)