For many years I've been playing with my Logitech G35. I find the sound to be excellent when playing fps-games. It was really easy to locate the enemy by just sound. Unfortunately these headphones break very easily and I just had enough.
Now I've bought myself some 2.1 headphones and I'm having a really hard time locating the enemy. Can't tell if they are above or under me. I'm now using Sennhesier HD650. Excellent sound for BF4 but when playing competitive games I just can't be a soundwhore anymore. Why is that? Aren't most of the pros using 2.1 headphones? Is there an option that I've missed?
For many years I've been playing with my Logitech G35. I find the sound to be excellent when playing fps-games. It was really easy to locate the enemy by just sound. Unfortunately these headphones break very easily and I just had enough.
Now I've bought myself some 2.1 headphones and I'm having a really hard time locating the enemy. Can't tell if they are above or under me. I'm now using Sennhesier HD650. Excellent sound for BF4 but when playing competitive games I just can't be a soundwhore anymore. Why is that? Aren't most of the pros using 2.1 headphones? Is there an option that I've missed?
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