So basically I made my own computer mouse mould out of balsa wood. I gutted an old wmo for the sensor and it is really good for me.
I'm having trouble making buttons for it. Does anyone know how I could get a plastic version of it made? I'm only wanting to do it as a one off. I doubt it has any commercial viability. I have really long fingers and doubt it will suit many people.
Should I speak to a university or school or something like that. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm having trouble making buttons for it. Does anyone know how I could get a plastic version of it made? I'm only wanting to do it as a one off. I doubt it has any commercial viability. I have really long fingers and doubt it will suit many people.
Should I speak to a university or school or something like that. Any help would be appreciated.
- Attached Image: 98948-photo(1)_opt.jpg (17 Dec 2013, 23KB, 39 downloads)
- Attached Image: 98949-photo_opt.jpg (17 Dec 2013, 24KB, 30 downloads)
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