My (halfdead) machine is a c2d with 4gb ddr3 and a nvidia 650. I'm upgrading to a i5 4670, new mobo and then keeping the rest for now (any comments on this?). I mostly play games that need CPU power.
I never really followed the whole 120hz screen discussion (crt4life!11) and now it's too much information to read up about. It seems to me that the BenQ monitors are loved by most, especially the XL2411T - So I'm leaning towards this one. The XL2420T also looks very good on paper. Are there any other monitors that are worth checking out? I think 24" is what I'm looking for but I am open to suggestions.
Edit: Never mind, gonna buy it!
Samsung 840 EVO Basic
Cooler Master HTK-002-U1
BenQ XL2411T
Sea Sonic M12II-620Bronze
MSI Z87-G41 PC Mate
Intel Core i5 4670K / 3.4 GHz
Edited by zkyp at 10:45 CST, 21 December 2013 - 1689 Hits