Has noctis, CMSS, neat picmip gimmicks, drama factor, the earthquake effect is a bit overused (gets a bit repetitive after some time), other than that I enjoyed watching it even if the frags weren't very memorable (except for that Limubs 3x nade kill)
I like the title since I feel like a "fucking critic" right now :)
Nice movie, your best one so far! I'm glad you changed "HUK cfg presents" to just "HUK presents", but you really should stop using those awkward template intros. keep it up!
Rocket flame has misaligned texture making rockets look like flying ceiling lamps. This is unforgivable mistake for someone who's a proud config maker. Grenades also look comical with the green bubbles behind them.
Other than that there's too much of filler-quality frags, too much effects obscuring the action, too many and too long "intros" and on top of all that, sound is out of sync in so many places.
Some frags were nice, some effects done very nicely, it just lacked taking a step back and thinking what you're really trying to do.
As a "Fucking Critic" I was expecting something like this to come up out of a youtube video like this, unfortauntely i was flattered to not hear this in the video and i have to give it a 6/10, decent frags on the first part but the rest were meh
but then again there will be a time when someone like me will make a video and put this song on here ;)
- 20.02.2014 - sad day for Ukraine - in 30 meters near that cross unarmed protester was killed by sniper. =l
PS, i'm Christian, and I do not like Femen provocations.
why not major this movie?. i really enjoyed watching this video. this guy got some nice editing skillz. dunno why everbody is disliking it :O
the first part was really awesome 10/10. the other parts were also good
Over edited to the point of being unwatchable. Gave you a 2 for effort. Whole movie gave me the impression you'd seen some new sony vegas tutorials you wanted to try out and shoved them all into a single movie with zero thought.
I agree that abused presets earthquake in the first part, in their next films, I will not repeat this mistake.
Also try to choose music easier and more fun to use or epic music for strictly medieval-style editing. In this film, music is a bit heavy and poorly uplifting
This is not battlefield that would use the epic music tracks or funny about love. This Quake - brutal meat grinder, a bloody mess, fucking shit and destruction in here to sound metal.
Sorrowfully that many do not like the Classic-style epic, here's a video with a good style that many people liked it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7R1jwtiTEo#t=0 ,
I wanted to create a next movie in the same style
imo epic music has no flow and is pretty chaotic, its like quiet quiet quiet Louder Louder INTENSE INTENSE quiet quiet INTENSE INTENSE. It may work if you are trying to tell a story of a player's tournament achievments. Other than that, I would much rather replay some other movie with medicore frags, but with a catchy beat and clean edit.
If you only want to display great frags then do it noctis style - no music, no filler cameras
I have problems with English , so probably understand my text and maybe I'm not 100% understood all.
Epic- classical music is poorly suited to quality frags-sync , but 90% of all movies playing annoying contemporary(pop,rock, etc) music , I love epic video. For contemporary music has many common and intuitive way to edit. Epic- classical music need another way for good editing, but if done correctly it is epic- movie classic and most people like to be unforgettable, there are many successful epic movies.
after first view i thought some moviemakers could spread out all these effects and the editing over 30 movies at least :D so much stuff in the movie, insane.
to gave this movie this "critic theme" is a good idea. the intro shows the creator has humor and is here to stay to do better movies (says the intro). on the other hand, in what i am more interested is what the maker thinks about his past movies, who cares about the critics :)
tdm in it, im sold right from the start. the creator clearly knows editing/effects and has ideas. but less, much less is needed. i cant concentrate on the frags. and i cant save effects/editing in my mind because its so overcrowded. the movie is unique and interesting for many views. ofc it has a place on my hdd. could be a movie for moviemakers, to show whats possible, its like a list. ok, not all is new.
my highlights: grid effect scenes, little zoom on frags, 2:16 white wash effect, teleporter slomo, 3:05 pummel, 3:10 the boost, 3:48/5:07 standing still sequences, pummel on fire, 5:04 duke nukem sound lol, showing the hitbox, 6:28 tdm sequence with the music which does a great tension when coke goes in the room, 7:30 disco keel changing colors and pink rocket wtf :D
Thanks for the detailed analysis, many effects are stupid and did not make sense. I also realized that the editing should not distort the basic - good visibility frags and names of the victims.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much stuff crammed there imho. but i can't deny the progress. what did i tell you when you released your first movie? that maybe not the next one or even the one after that may be fully succesfull, but there is something there to work on. keep it up
I like the title since I feel like a "fucking critic" right now :)