Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
Let's say, I were to rip the entire saltybet version of mugen + all the updated, current characters. At that point, I could devise a statistical system that would rate character vs. character in percentage, rather than overall percentage vs. any and all characters. From there, I could increase the speed of matches by 100,000,000,000,000% (provided my computing power could handle it). That would mean, for any character vs. character matchup (no matter what players or tiers), I would have an extensive, predictive model for how to bet (such as 10,000 matches, 90%-10%). None of this would require 'illuminati' status, or any other form of payment/donation.
Saltybet is great, especially if you're completely stoned, drunk or potentially many other things I haven't tried. The music alone is worth the donation. What i'm talking about is merely game-theory. With real people, as opposed to A.I., these things would not be possible. You cannot accelerate the pace at which real matches occur, for if you could, you would be in a science-fiction film from the 80's.
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