Ok, now that we have various streams for QL, we just need the viewers! Get people to watch and play Quake!
number of daily lol players = about 5 million
number of lol stream viewers/event avg. = 150k
number of quake viewers/event (on a good day) = 4k
number of ql players = make an educated guess.
Conclusion: The # of viewers is in some way proportional to the # of active players.
Which leads me to forming a reverse statement to the OP: Ok, now that we got way too little playing quake, we only need to get 150k viewers.
We all realize this wont work, right? It's a demand/offer problem - just like a lot of things in life.
A wise person once said that there are no dumb questions but asking why nobody watches quake when the playerbase is just a fragment of other esports certainly is one.
Well, we could take the other way around, get people to watch quake, and then they'll decide for themselves if they wanna play or not!
So I propose this. In all your local electronics shops, turn all the monitors and TV's to quake streams!!!!!!!
Friend #2: hitsu, my man! I'm so glad you answered your phone, dude. Hey, you remember how I didn't like that Quake game because of the timer that counts down?
hitsu: Yeah... what about it?
Friend #2: Well, hey! I totally just found this other way to play quake and the counter goes UP, now!
hitsu: Oh, yeah, I should have told you about changing the clock setting. Glad you found it...
Friend #2: No, hitsu! What setting? I'm talking about this other way to play. They call it CLAN ARENA! It's THE BEST, HITSU! THE BEST!!
But, you did say friends, as in plural. I was, however, suggesting:
1) What the hell is wrong with your friends for not even considering Quake because of the counter going in reverse?! Lots of sports do that! The counter on New Year's Eve does that and space rocket countdowns also go backwards.
2) Why did you not tell them about the clock console/menu commands?!
I don't live in your part of the world, so it doesn't affect my player-base but still.. why not tell them!
I'm fully aware of what hitsu is and take that into consideration when replying. My new registration date does not convey that I've been gaming online for almost 20 years. It's not hard to single out the lonely attention-seekers on a message board.
What he calls trolling is like 90%+ of just making ppl think 'wtf is wrong with this guy?' Along the lines of jamerio but at least hitsu doesn't type full dissertations defending his insanity like jamerio does.
Anyway, that's not trolling. It's... well, idk wtf that is but trolling, it is not, because it doesn't make anyone get actually mad. And, if it did anger someone, that person should seek immediate help.
Interesting. While I've not had conversations with you, in the past, I have noticed others seem to share the same sentiment about you that you just shared with me about hitsu.
Also, you tell others, like me, not to talk to hitsu for any reason. Then, I go and read a different post(I forget which one, now) last night and what do I find? palatka and hitsu arguing about the absolute dumbest shit, ever.
Oh, now I remember. hitsu said 'lolca' and it set off a ridiculous argument because you allowed it to do so.
At least when I talk to hitsu, it's done with both of us knowing that it will never end in spamming, and ruining a perfectly good thread that others want to read about the topic made by an OP.
I don't mind being off-topic, in this thread, very much. Mainly because ins created it so it is whatever. <3 ins :P
No we couldn't because people who watch quake wont understand shit of what is even going on. It will never get past the "1 guy shoots another guy" thought.
I think you understimate ppl or exaggerate the complexity of ql, 1v1 is dead simple. Guy with most frags wins, thats it. 2 players to keep track of + a few items. With decent casters you have to be a retard to not understand the general gameplay.
Sure they wont grasp everything thats going on, why player 1 does a certain move on a certain time etc but they hardly need to to enjoy watching. If they like what they see they will continue to watch if not they go back to lol stream.
Unfort. all plugins are being discontinued because Chrome & Firefox teamed up to say fuck you. This is why QL is on standalone and that the Twitch EU Lag Fix doesn't work anymore.
The only real thing to bare in mind is that if your channel isn't partnered, try to stay as far below 3500kbps as possible, as you won't have the encoding options for those that can't watch the high bitrate streams. Also, if you did have them the only one that displays FPS above 30 is Source quality, the rest display 30 FPS, so generally you'll still want to be as low as possible so cater to the largest audience, but that parts up to you.
Dota2 streams aren't actually enjoyable to watch apart from the stream being an international dota2 championship final. Most of the streamers are russians and I don't like watching them just because I do understand what the fuck they are talking about.