Name: Marek
Location: Ontario
Posts: 418
Location: Ontario
Posts: 418

As a wrap up of 2013 and its results on CPM CTF I have noted down and made videos of some attacking success on the following maps. Two wins and one loss, full of capping and good games. I chose these games because both I attacked well enough and one or both teams played as a team effectively.
q3wcp1 - everyone should know this map by now, but few know how to make it easy for themselves
q3wcp9 - common map
q3wcp14 - common map
The video series and the respective score sheets can be found at TourneyCPM
Edited by TheMafia at 22:56 CST, 26 January 2014 - 17517 Hits
18:00 (gameclock) - tdms nme base rather than escorting mate.
17:13 - fails to escort mate.
15:30 - fails to attempt to damage nme flag carrier, results in nme cap.
14:50 - fails to wait for quadmate before attking base with 2 defenders.
13:00 - watches mate flag carrier escape nme base mid and fails to escort.
11:10 - odd situation leads to nme caps. It's difficult to say that you asking for flag instead of simply trying to clear out nme base directly leads to this cap, but it doesnt seem to help your mate.
7:30 - though the end result is a cap, you fail to attemp to escort mate in any way.
3:23 - you fail to escort mate, resulting in a flag return for nme team.
1:07 - you fail to escort mate, resulting in a flag return for nme team. This is followed up shortly by nme cap.
- Your movement/speed is pretty good.
- Your aim is decent.
- You assisted in quad several times.
- You consistently fail to escort teammates carrying flag or try to intercept nme in mid. Rather, you try to tdm the nme base, which might often have spawned nmes to mid, possibly intercepting your flag carrier.
- You fail to even attempt to time your or your nme armors.
- In this game, you fail to wait for you partner attker, and seem to operate autonomous of them, rather than utilizing their assistance. You even race your own teammate to grab nme armor a couple of occasions.
- You rarely try to misdirect your nmes or try any creative tactics in your attack or escape on nme base.
- You stopped playing completely to type non-sense during game several times without pausing.
Overall, this is a rather poor representation of your year attking; I've specced games where you played much better than this. You are a pretty decent attker Mafia, but you have some nasty habits that you need to break.