I never understood how can a woman be that homophobic.
For guys it's an insecurity thing. They think accepting gays makes them gay too. Lot of heterosexual girls kiss each other at least once in their life to try how does it feel like, for males the thought alone is disgusting.
Good thing Jamerio knows that he is way above such petty attacks on his character and we will surely not see any post of him in this thread even though OP desperately yearns for that to happen.
The whole debacle about promoting being gay as something normal is just simply wrong. There is a reason on any occult when you dig deep down you will find their initiation involves homosexuality. The thing is every person is equipped with a radar that can detect what is right and what is wrong. We share this operating system and that is how we judge things. Murder, rape no matter what society and what people is always wrong and everyone no matter what the background or place they are born they know it deep inside. Now depending on society you live in and how much you decide to shallow your own senses and intellect you can justify your evil. However deep inside you know what is wrong and what is right. The same way we people as a whole can see beauty and ugliness.
Right and wrong is not a subjective matter.
If you have a look over the knights Templar logo you will see two men on the same horse. It symbolizes their homosexuality. In fact they were pure homosexuals, not bisexuals.
There are the same people who in a very short time through interest captured and started to control the wealth of Europe while calling themselves the poor believers of Christ.
Truth is there is justice. The only difference that some people because they don't get punished for their wrong doings immediately they assume there is no justice. Justice will come to you sooner or later. You reap the fruits that you sow.
You can not live a life of indecency and expect an outcome of decency.
Human beings are advanced creatures aware of their existence. Anything the humans have modified from the materials of this world is vastly inferior to them. It takes the strongest computer in the world 40 minutes to calculate something it takes a human being 1 second.
You are an advanced creature with an advanced intellect. On top of that you are self conciouss. A car is a machine but it has no awareness of its existence.
You have a soul you have the sense to differentiate between right and wrong. You can do what you know is wrong but you will never achieve true happiness. You will self destruct and drag yourself down into the abyss. It's in your power. Every action has a reaction.
I believe a life with pristine morals, love, careless, mercy, justice and an inclination to do good and good only will lead to a better life than doing obscenities. And those that do obscenities are well aware of them, but like any thief that justifies their actions it's the same story.
So stop lying to yourselfs and dedicate your lives to good so the whole human race can reach some happiness. Isn't that the point? All the human progress without happiness means nothing, it's just a clock going tick tock, no point.