- You could have an accomplice passing off as a simple spectator who is looking at your opponents screen (groups / playoffs) or big screen (grand final), and then proceeds to transmitting via radio signals the opponents position and/or timing items for you. I saw a film or some documentary on casinos where some dude had a little pin in his shoe attached to a radio receiver and gave him little pricks in the form of morse code or whatever code they chose to use.
- You could take performance enhancing drugs.
- You could sabotage your opponent (food / water supply / full blown aids)
Bland aim assists are totally usable on lan, without them being evident.
They can be hidden in the mouse drivers, so you just need to plugin the mouse and play.
Depending on the lan, they could even be installed through an usb key, since they allow you to install programs to cancel windows acceleration and to set the mouse polling.