Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
When I say a new version of Quake, id software should be aware of what that means. The so-called 'Quake' community is not really a Quake community. If you've noticed, the Quake community only wants to play one version of Quake: Quake 3. There was a Quake 4, and say what you will, but it was newer and in some ways better. Didn't matter though, because it wasn't Quake 3. What a new version of Quake means, therefore, is a new version of Quake 3. Don't make a new version of Quake 2. Don't make a new version of Quake 1. Don't make a new version of Quake where you hybridize different versions. Maybe it shouldn't even be called Quake anymore, and instead be an entirely different series of games based on Quake 3.
A new version of Quake 3, including an 'esports' system appropriate for the modern age, is what the community wants and probably the only thing it will accept. QL might be a new system, but the system is widely insufficient, and the game is still the same old thing with a few minor game-play tweaks that almost no one would even recognize.
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