hello everyone,
I propose to remix 3 TDM maps that are no longer played but have great potential.
Map Remix Image
moved or replaced items
-remove BS
-move QUAD to BS
-move LG to old Quad place
-change RA bump to stairs
-change Door from RA to simple larger path (no doors, always open)
-move QUAD to BS
-move GA (nead RG/QUAD) to old Quad place
-remove BS
or V3
-move Quad on MH (center of the map)
-move MH to BS
-move GA (nead RG/QUAD) to old Quad place
-remove BS
Arcane Citadel
-move QUAD to BS
-move LG to quad
-move 50hp (quad room) to old LG place
-add rail to top of GL (window) or no RG and move botton GL to top on window (insteadRG)
-remove BS
or V3
-add rail on top of GL (window)
-move (top)GA high into the air in the center of bs room
-move 50hp (BS room) to the new platform
-remove BS
-remove big nuclear sign
-add new 2 platforms instead the nuclear sign
-add bumper to go on top and take GA
-add patch on top to go at old GA (staires or an other bump)
Jpg is very big in order to see the changes.
Map Remix Image
I am a graphic designer and if mappers give me their map. I 'm happy to make the changes to see if these changes are good.
I propose to remix 3 TDM maps that are no longer played but have great potential.
Map Remix Image
moved or replaced items
-remove BS
-move QUAD to BS
-move LG to old Quad place
-change RA bump to stairs
-change Door from RA to simple larger path (no doors, always open)
-move QUAD to BS
-move GA (nead RG/QUAD) to old Quad place
-remove BS
or V3
-move Quad on MH (center of the map)
-move MH to BS
-move GA (nead RG/QUAD) to old Quad place
-remove BS
Arcane Citadel
-move QUAD to BS
-move LG to quad
-move 50hp (quad room) to old LG place
-add rail to top of GL (window) or no RG and move botton GL to top on window (insteadRG)
-remove BS
or V3
-add rail on top of GL (window)
-move (top)GA high into the air in the center of bs room
-move 50hp (BS room) to the new platform
-remove BS
-remove big nuclear sign
-add new 2 platforms instead the nuclear sign
-add bumper to go on top and take GA
-add patch on top to go at old GA (staires or an other bump)
Jpg is very big in order to see the changes.
Map Remix Image
I am a graphic designer and if mappers give me their map. I 'm happy to make the changes to see if these changes are good.
Edited by Zulu4 at 10:12 CST, 10 February 2014 - 4222 Hits