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P.S.: Allegedly he beat tox and h4l in a 2v2 with a team mate that dealt no damage at all.
Yep. Anyone can hit good percentage 2v1 against tox and hal. Seems totally plausible.
he jumps in ways that would totally throw his own aim off at close range, but yet he still maintains some sort of lock.Why do you think this? Why would he be thrown off? When you're the one actually playing and making the jumps you're ready to adjust your aim accordingly. Making a statement like this based on watching a video is stupid, especially if you're applying your own ability as a reference for what someone else is capable of.
People who are reliant on their movement to support their aim are not good aimers, they require their movement to maintain control over their crosshair, if you can't move past that limitation you won't ever aim well.If the crosshair is on the player, you're aiming well.