Name: JDub
Posts: 105
Posts: 105
Meanwhile we move American troops through Poland (Germans might molest our tanks) towards the Belarusian boarder. Now in keeping with Enders game we put Cypher in charge of troop movements and tactics for that region.
Russia must now consider the colonnade of advanced weaponry along their upper NE boarder, and begin redeploying troops to deal with it.
America finally pulls out of Iraq and begin repositioning troops and Navy near Turkey for what would be remembered as the most epic battle of the Black Sea in history. Put Rapha in charge of the Mediterranean Theater and tell him to prepare for a possible pincer move to cut off support in the Crimean region.
The stage is set. Game on.
- Attached Thumbnail: 100001-giantsmiley.png (3 Mar 2014, 76KB, 124 downloads)
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