As February is almost over, we are closing to some long expected cpma promode CTF tourney - DRAFT PUNK! On Saturday the 1st of March, first stage of the cup will begin - the draft! 52 players all across the small cpma world signed up so far and we hope there won't be much no shows so we can build 8 teams at least.

If you are still not signed and want to play, please don't hesitate and sign up by sending a message on IRC to Germany nekon or Canada xerosawyer, via #DraftPunk, on, or simply just send an email with nick, nationality and prefered position to: The Draft will occur at 09:30 CST, 1 March 2014! If you wanna play you have to be in mIRC #draftpunk channel on IRC in that time! See you there!

Links: ESR post with all infos, Signed players list, Draft - full info