The leading German force in the quake franchise just announced his retirement from gaming due to various events in real life. The now 27 year old player was active in Quake 3, Quake 4 and Quake Live games. Earlier today he set up a valedictory stream, sharing his opinions about previous tournaments, answering questions from the community and explaining his motives for leaving e-sports.
Game-wise he was known for his outstanding railgun usage, hitting inhuman shots which always left the spectators in awe. Insanely high acceleration and twitchy movement that brought headaches to viewers were also a prominent element in his game. Never arrogant and always helpful, the cheerful German decided to pursue another path, focusing more on his family and admitting that gaming was just too addictive and not worth it if you can't give your best and entertain the viewers, which prevented him from reaching desired goals in life.
Marcel "k1llsen" Paul also announced on facebook that he will remain active for another month, potentially taking part in April's 125FPS online duel league.
Awards and Achievements
Links: Official Website, @k1llsen, Facebook, Quake History page
Game-wise he was known for his outstanding railgun usage, hitting inhuman shots which always left the spectators in awe. Insanely high acceleration and twitchy movement that brought headaches to viewers were also a prominent element in his game. Never arrogant and always helpful, the cheerful German decided to pursue another path, focusing more on his family and admitting that gaming was just too addictive and not worth it if you can't give your best and entertain the viewers, which prevented him from reaching desired goals in life.
Marcel "k1llsen" Paul also announced on facebook that he will remain active for another month, potentially taking part in April's 125FPS online duel league.
Awards and Achievements
Links: Official Website, @k1llsen, Facebook, Quake History page
Edited by twister_ at 19:32 CDT, 15 March 2014 - 71727 Hits
cu in 6 months ;)