The bug I'm talking about is this . I will just copy paste what I've posted in there because I want to bring more awareness about my case:
So i needed to post this to tell my experience with it. Since this is like an AA for bad mouse behaviour in quakelive I'll tell my story, maybe someone can relate to it, or at least cheer me up a bit. It's really hard for me to came out as being one of those that have been hit by this infamous quakelive bug and prolly I have been hit the worst.
I have reached the lowest point in my life because of it, i started drinking more, I killed my cat, lost my job and I am going to be hospitalized in to a mental institution two days from now at doctors recommendation for a 2 months treatment. Note that I was a casual player and I had a day job, so I was completely unprepared for the events that they where about to unfold.
It all started 2 weeks ago when I finally bought a pc that wasn't dropping frames like my old one did. Prior to that I had a two months break, my videocard had some problems. So i started to play with my brand new pc with a g100s mouse and after a couple of days of tweaks I was amazed on my aim and the way i perceived the game in general. I had not installed any drivers for the mouse, but i was really happy with it. I took a break from the office, played and just enjoyed the game and the way I was aiming and moving around the map.
At my hightest point I was aiming 35+ lg in battles against good opponents, not only this but I was really feeling the game. It was my best gaming experience. I felt very confident about my aim and I decided to seek to improve other aspects of my game, like positioning and timing. I was becoming a challenge for players that are playing for 10+ years this game.
Fast forward to a week after all this and my mouse all of the sudden became out of control. I was aiming all over the place, I thought that I might be too tired and had some break, each time i was trying to get back in to the game the feeling of being out of control was the same.
So i decided to do something about it, first I checked all the things that might have changed, my posture at the pc, the mouse cable placement, nothing seemed to work. Than I tried to clean up my mouse, the keyboard, double checked my pc screen response time settings, all this checkups have failed to provide a decent result.
I tried than to check my config, though I was sure i had not changed absolutely anything in it since I started playing again. I tried playing with sensitivity but the feeling off beeing out of control was persistent, my movement dropped, everything felt bad about the game in general. I couldn't even focus on my oponents, started pressing harder on the mouse during matches, just to try to slow the sensitivity, nothing worked and I was getting really depressed.
Than I remembered i have changed the old keyboard with a new one, maybe that was the cause, indeed after switching back to the old keyboard it did appeared that my aim improved, but it was a brief happiness, the next day the feeling of being out of control was there again tormenting me and sending my morale down again.
Out of responses on what might have changed I decided to go for system recovery, impatiently I rushed to check if anything has changed in the first match that i found, and yes, the feeling of sloppiness was gone, the mouse was aiming good, i noticed than what was wrong with it previously, it was just moving too much and not consistent on slow mouse movements, the mouse was behaving completely right I was aiming at the enemies, my lg locked it's target, so I said to myself let's just quit this game and find some worthy opponent, so that's what I did... imagine my feelings when the mouse as I entered the game was feeling bad again...
I was just sick of it. I had enough... I slammed my mouse on the wall, called up a friend and hit the towns pubs in a drinking spree that ended up badly the next day because I was late for work again... My boss called me and asked me what was wrong, i have missed deadlines all week long. Tried too explain him that wasn't feeling bad, but he announced me that i should check up with a doctor, and i had all the time in the world to get better because they're restructuring my position. I felt that this needed another drinking celebration so I did that, but this time i can't remember anything much, i have some vague memories of me hanging the cat out in the courtyard with the mouse cable because it '****ed up my mouse' and some outraged neighbour punching me in the face.
I woke up the next day feeling like ****, and i went to a psychological check up with a doctor, I explained him what happend, he asked me about more stuff and decided I need treatment.
So thats that... I really hope no one will go trough what I've been too, I can't explain it, I can't blame the game even if it's proabilly buggy, it was my fault and I am the only one responsable for my behaviour...
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