As I am sure you all know we did not have our Weekly Points Cup this past Sunday due to it being Easter weekend, we continue the action again this Sunday. For anyone still wondering about the secret surprise it is still coming so look for it soon, the cat was let out of the bag a bit to early I am afraid. Here is a little tidbit from the last Sunday Cup if you are craving some Quake Live action.
Match of the Week #13 - CYPHER vs. ASH (Spring Season Cup 4)
The cups format and map pools listed below will take effect starting today. All the cups for the whole week are posted on the site, so feel free to head on over and take a look. Remember all these points you win can be exchanged for prizes, such as Razer gear in the FACEIT Shop.
Links: FACEIT.com,

Edited by easytarget at 09:40 CDT, 21 April 2014 - 18568 Hits