Here i present three easy to implement "tools" against cheatin in QL.

As we know it is really too easy to get new account.

1. Add a Button for new accounts. This button is on their Ql-Profile. This button only persist for one week. If u click this button you can directly msg to If 5 (or 7) people click this button within one week: auto-ban.

2. Add real E-Mail validation! People are lazy. So cheaters need to create for every banned account a new e-mail-account. Really add those transaction-cost. Currently it is really too easy for them

3. Why not have a databse with QL-configs that were banned? Lets say Daddy were banned yesterday. he comes back with new account. The ql-config he uses will be the same. ID tracks suspicious configs. Ofc you dont track things like sensitivity. But everything else.

In my modell cheaters need to do alot more work to cheat consequently.
I think this 5-click-autoban-button is a good idea.
In my model this button only persist one week. If you think 5 people that report are too few. Sure we can dicuss about 7-click-auto-ban Button on proflie for one week.

If some pro with 48LG wants to use Fake-Account. No Problem. He might simply e-mail ID. For example: "Hi this is serious/strenx/vium/whatever. I want to use a fake account because.... Could you please Delete this one-week-autoban-button for my new fake-account. ty"

Please implement this. Discuss.