Scheduled: 08:00 CDT, 27 April 2014 to 13:00 CDT, 27 April 2014Schedule: Passed
We are now entering the halfway point of the FACEIT Spring Season! A few weeks ago we saw ash take on fellow countrymen pavel in the semi final which again went to three maps. Cypher easily made his way to the top beating Madball in straight maps in the semi final. In the final he met ash loosing three games to two granting ash his first title of the season.
Who are we going to see this weekend take the title will we see evil return to claim a second win in the season or will it be won by up and comer Madball You can already sign-up now! The cup starts at 07:00 CST.
Daniel "ddk" Kapadia will be casting the games for you, starting live at 07:30 CST GroundZero TV.
If you missed the Match of the Week #13 - CYPHER vs. ASH (Spring Season Cup 4), then you better give it a look you do not want to miss the thrills of this match.
Notable sign-ups: TBD
Stream: GroundZero TV - Week #4 VODs
Links: Sign-Up, Spring Overview #FACEIT, FACEITCommunity, @FACEIT, FACEITcom
Edited by Teen Queen at 15:55 CDT, 27 April 2014 - 89132 Hits