well resolution transcoding is only available to partner streams or if enough bandwidth is available they unlock it on non-partner streams with a *excellent* marked dashboard quality. quite likely when you turned in qlrankstv didnt met these requirements and now it does.
I asked sirax on stream earlier if you guys can add like +acc for instance on screen, but it appears and disappears every 2 mins in the game AND/OR when it switches players it automatically does, a bit like when you watch sports on tv there are these little infos that they show.
+acc is just a suggestion, I'm sure there are many other things you can display...
sirax said that you will do this, but I wasn't sure it was a reply to my question though :D
mmmhh, maybe an ability for mods to restart the bot with a command like "!restart"
right now it's stuck on dm6 at the join/spec screen and people can't keep bugging you or sirax to fix this or that when a single restart could do wonders
Searching algorithm
- Use average highest ELO in lieu of the highest ELO to avoid 2200 vs 1100 games
- Cycle through regions so that games from less common countries such as South Africa, Australia, and Brazil appear more often
Warmup stats
- Change "%" to "Win %"
- The Games statistic is a bit unclear and redundant. Consider removing it.
- If there's room, include the players' win percentages on the current map
- Use average highest ELO in lieu of the highest ELO to avoid 2200 vs 1100 games
I am already using a search algorithm, maybe it needs tweaking but it's actually better than simply getting the average Elo of the players and I certainly don't just go for the highest Elo. I can provide more details on the current algorithm if you wish.
- Cycle through regions so that games from less common countries such as South Africa, Australia, and Brazil appear more often
The bot already searches African and South American servers, however I don't see any advantage to "cycling through regions" as you say because in my opinion it is better to just show the best players currently available, regardless of which region they come from. Why watch two 2000 Elo players from Brazil when say dem0n vs cypher is on in Europe? Just for the sake of cycling through regions?
- Change "%" to "Win %"
This can be done, I will contact the overlay designer (scrbr) about this.
- The Games statistic is a bit unclear and redundant. Consider removing it.
Agreed, I don't like it either, I will see if I can get this removed.
- If there's room, include the players' win percentages on the current map
Yes, good suggestion, maybe we could replace "Games" with this.
Sure, I'd like a look at the algorithm. That'd be a treat.
As for cycling through regions, you could look at the last X number of games played and check if some regions have not yet been selected by the bot. Those that haven't would be assigned a greater priority in your searching queue so that they have a greater chance of being chosen the next time around. After the last DreamHack, I've grown more interested in seeing less common regions because they offer different styles of dueling since they're so disconnected with the rest of the world. But that's only my personal preference, and I'm sure others disagree and just want the highest level possible games 24/7, regardless of region. It's really up to you.
This shows how servers would be prioritised (in descending order):
Uber Pro vs Uber Pro = 900
Normal Pro vs Uber Pro = 770
Uber Pro vs >= 2000 Elo = 650
Normal Pro vs Normal Pro = 640
Normal Pro vs >= 2000 Elo = 520
Uber Pro vs < 2000 Elo = 450.05 To 540
>= 2000 Elo vs >= 2000 Elo = 400
>= 2000 Elo vs < 2000 Elo = 200.05 To 290
< 2000 Elo vs < 2000 Elo = 0.09 To 180
EDIT: Note how Uber Pro vs < 2000 Elo could switch places with Normal Pro vs >= 2000 if the Elo of the < 2000 Elo player is greater than 1554.
OK, so with the above in mind, lets imagine there is a choice of two servers. One with dem0n vs evil and another with rapha vs dahang:
dem0n vs evil = 320 + 450 = 770
rapha vs dahang = 450 * 2 = 900
As you can see, rapha vs dahang (900) > (770) dem0n vs evil therefore the former would be selected as the best server to join.
So that is the algorithm in a nutshell.. However, there is a small caveat which I failed to mention, that is, I also attribute spectators to the total rating of a server by multiplying the person in spec's normal rating by a coefficient of 0.1, e.g. Cyphers rating is normally 450, but if he is in spec, he will add 45 to the overall rating of a server. I chose to do that as I believe a server with spectators is usually better than one without, as there is usually a good reason why they are spectating.
Anyways, I hope this makes sense, let me know if you have any questions. Also I did realise that perhaps who I define as "Uber Pro" and "Normal Pro" could be altered as those lists may be out of date. Suggestions welcome.
Add Zero4 to normal pros. Also adding country flags next to players' names in the top right box would be a nice touch, though you'll need to extend the box slightly to make space.
At times QLRanks joins a server with one player and no opponent. The other day I saw this three times within twenty minutes, so I assume it happens often. Pic 1Pic 2Pic 3
Eh. I feel like it should just show the highest level game available whenever it can. If someone is interested in checking out the playstyles of different isolated regions they could always just go spec some games on those servers.
I watch twitch with VLC using LiveStreamer, and I noticed that sometimes, when there is no sound (people are camping or walking), it will start playing back sounds that could be heard a few seconds ago.
Not sure if this is due to the qlrankstv channel, or a LiveStreamer bug. Never heard it before on other twitch channels. Anyone else experience this?