SplashDamage has released some videos about Dirty Bomb on their YT Channel SplashDamageLTD
The game is renamed to Extraction now, dont know what to expect from SD after ETQW & BRINK ^ ^
There is a video from YT TotalHalibut/TotalHalibut about Extraction, did not watched it yet ...
My thoughts on - Extraction (formerly Dirty Bomb)
Extraction used the SMART [Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain] system, to climb and jump
There is a Twitter page too, Twitter.com*Extraction
EXTRACTION Closed Beta starts October 1st. Sign up first and ask questions later.
The SplashDamage blog offers more detail about the game and interviews
Extraction PAX Coverage Round-up!
I saw a few videos with an interview from Paul Wedgwood from SplashDamage, talking about the game ...
Extraction Preview Interview With Splash Damage - Gamerhub.tv
The game is renamed to Extraction now, dont know what to expect from SD after ETQW & BRINK ^ ^
There is a video from YT TotalHalibut/TotalHalibut about Extraction, did not watched it yet ...
My thoughts on - Extraction (formerly Dirty Bomb)
Extraction used the SMART [Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain] system, to climb and jump
There is a Twitter page too, Twitter.com*Extraction
EXTRACTION Closed Beta starts October 1st. Sign up first and ask questions later.
The SplashDamage blog offers more detail about the game and interviews
Extraction PAX Coverage Round-up!
I saw a few videos with an interview from Paul Wedgwood from SplashDamage, talking about the game ...
Extraction Preview Interview With Splash Damage - Gamerhub.tv
Edited by Rothaarig3 at 11:52 CDT, 19 September 2013 - 28030 Hits