A Quake Live Frag Movie created exclusively for WASD - in association with ESReality. Edited by
Axel "Regulator" B.D
Please check out my company "WASD". I would like to announce; Grand Finale - Release: Christmas day 2014. Send me your demos. The editing will be much better.
I want to continue WASDs' support of quake live media and I have a few shows in the works, including something similar to a top plays/frags show. To continue this I need a new and steady supply of frag demos. Please send your demos now (if possible shortened) to abd91@hotmail.co.uk.
WASD Gamers,
WASD Gamers,
WASD Gamers,
WASD Editors (Editing Tutorials & Resources)

Please check out my company "WASD". I would like to announce; Grand Finale - Release: Christmas day 2014. Send me your demos. The editing will be much better.
I want to continue WASDs' support of quake live media and I have a few shows in the works, including something similar to a top plays/frags show. To continue this I need a new and steady supply of frag demos. Please send your demos now (if possible shortened) to abd91@hotmail.co.uk.

- Movie File - Stream () 0MB
- Youtube (1309 clicks)
- Movie File - wmv (Grand-Theatre-Quake-Live-Frag-Movie.wmv) 365MB
- hamster.srv.sn (44 clicks)
Edited by Badb0y at 08:14 CDT, 9 June 2014 - 30685 Hits
watched on youtube liked the music and editing, and also some frags are really good ;)
but shitty youtube quality :(
keep up the good work!