I remember seeing some posts here and there about evil not being sure whether or not he will be able to attend qcon? Does anybody know more about it this? Would be ridiculous if evil didn't go with this shape
tox and strenx were community driven, someone decided to set up a goal and it went on from there.
No one seemed to be bothered to make the first step and initiate donations for other players, probably because qlr never expressed the wish or intention to join Qcon in the first place.
Next big EU lan needs more big EU names, it should probably be cheaper and more realistic.
I really wish I could see "old" (2008 era) pros battle it out once again.
Evil is one of the only people for whom going to qcon is a smart financial decision. He is almost guaranteed to win at least $3k if he shows up, and he's got still got a sponsorship as far as I know. I'd be pretty shocked if he doesn't go.