DIANA is a Quake Live movie featuring myself with demos from lates 2013 to all 2014.
Hello everyone! This is my 4th movie featuring myself and its called DIANA (as the goddess of the hunt). i think ive gotten better tho theres still room to improve. Nothing much left to say, just decided to mantain this clean and short. Maybe not the best video out there but I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did making it. :)
Thanks for watching. Play more Quake!
Hello everyone! This is my 4th movie featuring myself and its called DIANA (as the goddess of the hunt). i think ive gotten better tho theres still room to improve. Nothing much left to say, just decided to mantain this clean and short. Maybe not the best video out there but I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did making it. :)
Thanks for watching. Play more Quake!
Edited by Teen Queen at 14:57 CDT, 2 July 2014 - 42324 Hits