Event: Prague TDM LAN #2

Schedule: Passed
As you have probably noticed a problem with gaming cafe have arised. The owner had to close down the cafe, meaning that currently we do not have any place to host Prague TDM LAN #2. I've been looking for alternatives, but either those places are closed as well, or the place looks really bad and have small number of computers, which does not meet the criteria for the lan. The District owner said that they already have a new place in Prague, but it needs reconstruction and they will let me know by the end of this week if they will manage to set up the place before our lan.
Here are the options left for us:
1) Cancel the lan and those who already booked flights and hotels I can meet up in Prague and have non-gaming weekend.
2) Wait until the end of the week and see if they will manage to finish the place before the lan.
a) If they do manage to prepare the venue, the lan can take place in the new venue.
b) If they won't manage to prepare the venue, we can go to option #1 or postpone the lan until the venue is opened (but let's discuss that later).
For now I decided to wait until the end of the week, as it seems as the best option for us and letting you guys know right after. Either way, if anyone from the donators wants to have his donation returned, please let me know (in case the lan is canceled, all of them will be returned of course).
I'm sorry that I don't have better news for you and it really saddens me that this kind of problem showed up.

Edited by Lam at 02:24 CDT, 6 August 2014 - 26639 Hits